Always Towards The Light

Watercolor by Kaeli Kramer, age 7
Semper Ad Lucem means “always towards the light.”  When we think of the word light, all good things come to mind.  A soft candle light is romantic, a flashlight gleam keeps you safe in the dark , and we could never live or be happy without sunlight.  “Always towards the light” means constantly moving toward greater knowledge and wisdom.  It is also about learning better and brighter principles of humility and community. Since Semper Ad Lucen refers to always moving towards better philosophy and behaviors, it is closely associated with respect.  It may inspire someone to be more sensitive and understanding of others, regardless of  position, gender or race.  As knowledge, responsibility and courage light our way, so does kindness.  Everyone, somehow, in some way, affects one another.  The people you meet and the things you experience will always remind you how to live by the words Semper Ad Lucem. This simple phrase will always lead toward the light , wherever that may be.
Excerpts from Kaeli’s 2008 Valedictorian Speech
-Linda Kramer

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