Blessing of the Animals

Our annual Open House and Blessing of the Animals took place on Saturday, October 24. The blessing ceremony was officiated by Interfaith Minister Jeanne Anselmo.

Dogs, cats, horses and their human companions were blessed honoring St. Francis of Assisi. We remembered Kaeli and all of our loved ones who have passed and welcomed new babies and companion animals.

As Jeanne blessed all of the two and four legged present, the sun brilliantly emerged from behind a cluster of clouds and a hawk soared above us. We all vowed to develop our understanding and compassion in order to live in peace with people, animals, plants and our Earth.

During the day the Kaeli Kramer Sanctuary was presented with a beautiful handmade bench made by Jack Callahan of Boy Scout Goshen Troop #63. The bench, made from recycled wood, was his Star Scout project . Heartfelt thanks to Jake and his Dad, Marty for enhancing our sanctuary with their carpentry talents!

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