Humane Education

One of the primary goals of the Kaeli Kramer Foundation is to raise awareness and educate young people about the kind treatment of all animals. Each summer we conduct a week-long humane education program at the Kaeli Kramer Humane Education Center located at the Holtsville Wildlife and Ecology Site. The focus of the program is an exploration of the similarities which we share with our animal friends and an appreciation for how we are all wonderfully unique. The students learn about the compassionate treatment of farm animals, the responsible care of companion animals and the protection of wild animals and their habitat.

The program provides unique hands-on experiences with many animals from formerly wild mustangs Callie and Valor to injured wildlife. Students learned how to use a stethoscope to listen for heart, lung and gut sounds. The students also learned about equine massage, T-Touch, and Shiatsu techniques and have the opportunity to practice their new skills on animals.

Many amazing guest speakers shared their commitment to animal welfare and their professional expertise with the students. Presenters include wildlife rehabilitators, shelter workers and volunteers, SPCA officers, service dog trainers and veterinarians.

Students come to the realization that all animals, from specially trained animals to our beloved pets to wildlife, perform tremendous acts of service and are an example to us of how we should live our own lives.

We also conduct humane education programs for elementary, middle and high school students and bring programs to Scout Troops, 4H and other community groups.

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