Thank You To Friends Old and New!

Under a blue sky and shining sun, old and new friends came together to celebrate the ASPCA’s national Help A Horse Day by participating in our 1st Annual Walk-a-thon.

The Walk-a-thon began at the home of mustang ambassadors, Callie and Valor. Enthusiastic walkers gathered and had the opportunity to learn about the plight of America’s wild horses and hear the story of Callie and Valor’s rescue and rehabilitation. Informational displays also guided our guests and Callie and Valor enjoyed being the center of attention.

Team “Cowgirls in the Hood” led the walk with our banner in tow. Boy Scout and student volunteers with animal puppets, cheered participants on their route. “Team Scooter” walked in memory of a supporter’s beloved horse. Some walked to celebrate personal healing, all reached out to help the horses!

After the walk prizes were awarded for most enthusiastic walker, most creative team and most pledges raised. Our many valued volunteers were recognized for their selfless service. The Help A Horse puppet show was both fun and educational. The League for Animal Protection, also joined the festivities to showcase their cats and dogs looking for forever families.

Our heartfelt thanks to everyone for so kindly and generously supporting our work making this our most successful fundraiser!


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