First Anniversary

On this first anniversary of your being apart from us, we acknowledge this year as both the longest and most painful year possible, yet it seems like just yesterday that I stood in the MADD Garden at Farmingdale College, in shock and disbelief as I learned what had just happened.

You are the most loved and respected child who was ever born. We are so grateful to have been your parents; at the same time our hearts are broken by the realization that you are gone in physical form from this earth.

You have guided us in all of your Foundation’s endeavors- as you can see, it’s been a very busy year. Your Mom works tirelessly to accomplish as much of your work as she can. The Large Animal Rescue course is in its second day, today! We have rescued more than a dozen horses, including a pregnant PMU mare who will give birth any minute. The Kaeli Kramer Humane Education Center and Mustang display will be dedicated on June 5th. The Life Skills and Animal Care courses continue to grow.

During this past year, we have lost touch with some people who just don’t know what to say to us- they too miss you and know how much we are hurt. At the very same time, we have met new friends who share our vision of honoring you. You touched so many lives in such a short time; we are sometimes amazed by your long reach.

There are so many things that we wanted to share with you and teach you. Now you are teaching us, as we follow your Light.

Thank you for being our daughter.

Mom and Dad


  • Diana Russo says:

    I think of Kaeli every day and sometimes I even think she will call me to say hi or set up a lesson. Even after a year it’s hard to grasp what has happened. I miss her, and yet she’s still right there in my mind..on my mind

  • Donna Kessinger says:

    To Peter and Linda….I wish I can express to you both how your words have touched my heart. What you have done over the past year to honor your wonderful daughter Kaeli finds filled with emotions, but lost for words. I admire your strength and courage that has led you to this point one year later. Giving the time and love that you have given to this wonderful cause is surely making Kaeli smile.
    To Kaeli…we all miss you and we all know that you are proud of what your parents are doing in you honor. I am sure you are taking care of all the horses that aren’t fortunate enough to be rescued up there in heaven. God bless all of you.
    Love Donna Kessinger and Sara, Rachel and Jessica Siskind

  • Denise Harrington says:

    Remembering you on this day, your first anniversary in heaven, and sending my love to your wonderful parents. I continue to be amazed by all the wonderful work your parents are doing in your honor. Kaeli, I know you are smiling.

    Love, Denise, Andrea and Lauren

  • Mary Ellen, James & Claire Angell says:

    Dear Linda & Peter, A beautiful sentiment for a beautiful soul. We miss Kaeli too. Love Mary Ellen,James & Claire Angell