Happy 21st Birthday Kaeli, We Miss You

Dear Kaeli,

We celebrate your 21st Birthday today differently than we would have ever imagined. Instead of creme brulee, cake (chocolate, of course) and maybe champagne, we will soon dedicate a horse sanctaury to you and your Foundation.  We built a peaceful place where old, tired and otherwise unwanted horses can live out their lives in dignity.  They will know kindness and love, perhaps for the first time in their lives.They have the companionship of each other and will never face a truck ride to an “auction” or Canada or Mexico. They will just live until it is their time to pass peacefully surrounded by people who value them. This sanctuary will carry out the work about which you dreamed. We do this in your honor, so that your spirit will live on in this world, and that your work will continue. Thank you for being our daughter.  You really did make the world a better place; you touched so many lives in such a short time and you made a difference. Happy Birthday, Kaeli. Love, Mom and Dad


  • Jeannie Parisi says:

    Happy Birthday Sweet Kaeli~
    What a wonderful Sanctuary for the horses you love so dearly and now they can enjoy a sence of freedom because of your heartfelt love for all of them, what an ~ANGEL~ you are.
    Love Jeannie


    Dear Linda and Peter for Kaeli on her 21st birthday- May the road rise to meet her. May the wind be always at her back. May the sun shine upon her face. May the rains fall soft upon her fields and until we meet again, May God hold her in the palm of His hand. Love Mary Ellen ,Jim and Claire Angell

  • Debi Triola says:

    Happy Birthday Kaeli!
    You have been our angel and light guiding us this past year. We could not have made it without you, your Mom and Dad.
    We love and miss you everyday.
    You are our sunshine everyday.
    With Much Love,
    Debi, Sarah and Harry